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English Language Challenges

It has been weird to learn English online, I remember that the face-to-face modality was very entertaining, we talked with people we did not know, we lost the fear of speaking in public and we all learned together. So it’s been a bit sad to learn English on my own, especially with the fact that I can’t connect to the synchronic classes. I really liked writing blogs, beyond learning new vocabulary, what has been interesting is to raise issues about my future. I am talking about those occasions we had to write about our later studies or about our future job, it has been interesting to raise these issues becouse I personally do not do it very often. My great weakness in English is to understand what I hear,  when I hear conversations from people who speak colloquial English it usually makes me difficult, even more if they have accents. On the other hand it usually costs me less to understand English when it is written. My English is very benefited by the audiovisual material I usually con

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