Romantic Drama: Best movies and genre

I´m not the kind of people who likes something specific. About movies I see little bit of everything. 

Lately I’m obsessed with a Chinese movie it’s called The Name Engraved in Your Heart. It’s a romantic drama that makes me cry everytime I see it. I don’t know if it’s the best movie, but it’s definitely my favorite.

This film is about a romance between two teenagers who are best friends at the time when martial law was overthrown in Taiwan in 1987, this law restricted the individual and political freedoms of citizens. In this context of conservatism, it is where these protagonists begin to discover themselves, their feelings and also discover that these dissipate from the imposed rules. It’s heartbreaking to see a love story where some types of love are forbidden and where the protagonist force themselves to be something they’re not to protect someone you love.

In this same line, another film of the genre of romantic drama that I love and is one of my favorites, is the movie La La Land.  

Watching this movie made me feel that loving also means letting go, to follow your dreams and that the person you love also follow theirs, I believe that its a mature way of seeing love, accepting pain because it´s also part of loving.

I think I like movies mostly for crying, let’s just say I’m a sensitive person who likes to be in touch with their feelings.


  1. I love romance and drama movies! They are one of my favorites, more if they are musical

  2. love is one of the feelings that we all have had to live, that is why this genre makes us all nostalgic.

  3. i don´t see the movie but when I read your blog it made me want to see it!


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