My Future Job.

 I don’t know yet what I’d like to work on, I guess it’s because I’m not even halfway through my career yet, the only thing I know is that I’d like to work with people from the LGBTIQ+ community, but I’m not sure how. I think I still have a lot to know and study, I would like to continue studying after finishing my career, I find academic life tempting.

One of the things that I´m clear about it´s that I would like to have a job in the field where I´m in a constant communication and interaction with people, I would not at all like a restrictive office job

I would very much like to travel for my job but inside of Chile. I would not like to work in another country, I feel that I have a commitment to work to improve the living conditions of people that lives in Chile.

I don’t dream big about my salary, I hope for the worst actually, I decided to study social work being aware of that. Although I do not expect a high salary, I am aware that I will have to put limits on work and not allow myself to absorb it, to have a life outside my workplace.

I would like to specialize in issues of gender and sexual diversity, and I have already started with that, because in the 'núcleo' (which are a kind of professional practice) I am doing a project related to the prevention of gender violence and I am very happy with the work we are doing with my partners.


  1. How interesting in what you want to specialize, I hope that the issues of diversity and gender will be a fundamental part of our future.


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