Free Post

Hello readers, this week I have to write about a free topic, and I came up with the idea of talk more in depth my motivations to study social work, in relation to my own identity.

First of all I would like to clarify that I am homosexual, it is necessary to mention it because of this I have generated a growing conscience of the discrimination that arise from power structures towards people who do not fit into the molds of the established. When I talk about these norms I’m not just talking about sexual orientation, but also about sexual identity, gender expression, gender roles, even the model of loving relationships that we should have is prescribed. I am very curious about these issues and I am generating connections between social work and the eradication of discrimination, also I´m generating connection between social work and a sex education based on respect for all identities.

I know that a big part of the people who belongs to the sexual diversity have been victims of violent acts, and eradicating these situations is something that deeply motivates me. Something that interests me related to violence against the LGBTIQA+ community is how certain violent acts are culturally allowed to happen, I mean the construction of masculinity and how men are allowed to be violent.

To finish, I want to emphasize that I still have a lot to learn, but I am eager to know more and to hear more experiences and points of view from those who are open to the possibility of thinking their lifes outside certain norms that have been imposed on us.


  1. it is important to make visible the systematic violence experienced by the LGBTIQA+ community, thank you for your post.

  2. I think it is very nice that you link your career with something you feel so much, fight for it, thousands of people will thank you, a grain of sand can change lives.


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