The south of Chile: The best holidays I´ve had

It’s easy for me to decide on my favorite holidays. These were in january 2020, two months before the pandemic. On that holiday I went with my boyfriend to visit the south of Chile, we saved for months to camping on diferents cities and it was totally worth it.

We first visit Valdivia and camp in a place surrounded by forest that was far from the city. we learned about the history of the city and also we traveled by boat the rivers that cross the city. When you walk through the city you can find hidden small gardens that are wonderful. I definetly fell in love with the city.


Then we visit Chiloé where we visit places that have hundreds of years and so much history. The most amazing thing was to find those precious places hidden in nature, like the dock of souls. To reach the dock of souls we had to walk an hour, but it was totally worth it.

Those Holiday was by far the best I’ve ever had in my life because it was the first time I felt really free. It’s an incredible experience to take your stuff and go away from everything you know and get lost in the magic of the south. Also sharing this expierience with someone I love made it even more especial.

Remember those moments now in pandemic makes me appreciate them even more. It makes me nostalgic to remember when we could go out to know new places before the quarantine.



  1. How nice! I chose the same place, the south of Chile is wonderful!

  2. Wow! I also wrote about my holydays in the south, specially in Chiloe! there are a lot of beautiful places in the island :)

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. The south of Chile is amazing, how great that you could travel there with a special person for you and just before the pandemic, congratulations fot that.jaj..regards.

  5. Valdivia and Chiloé, two treasures of nature... So great we both could begin a journey before of the pandemic :)

  6. wonderful trip! I hope you can do it again and enjoy twice as much, the south of Chile is very big and beautiful, there are still many places to know uwu

  7. Really nice last "normal" holidays. I loved Chiloe too, it's a magical place. Hope you can come back to those places some day.

  8. The south of chile is amazing, i never met that region i hope met Magallanes region

  9. I love it! the south of Chile is beautiful, good that you could share your trip with someone you love, the dock of souls is precious.

  10. valdivia is a magical place to visit, someday I would like to go there too.


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